查看完整版本: 美培育多種不治疾病幹細胞 有助了解成因
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WD1024 發表於 2008-8-9 12:04 AM

美培育多種不治疾病幹細胞 有助了解成因

美培育多種不治疾病幹細胞 有助了解成因http://tw.yimg.com/i/tw/news/newspartner2006/reuters.jpg 更新日期:2008/08/08 10:43
這種新細胞取自10種無藥可治的基因疾病和症狀的患者,包括巴金森氏症、導致癱瘓的肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)、青少年糖尿病和唐氏症等。
哈佛醫學院暨兒童醫院(Harvard Medical School and Children's Hospital)研究團隊在「細胞」(Cell)期刊發表報告指出,重點尚不在於治療任何人,而是盡可能讓許多研究人員能以這種細胞做實驗以更了解這些疾病。中央社(翻譯)...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div><div></div>

greatsuccess 發表於 2015-1-20 09:42 AM

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greatsuccess 發表於 2015-4-14 11:24 AM

O somewhere, meek, unconscious dove,
That sittest ranging golden hair;
And glad to find thyself so fair,
Poor child, that waitest for thy love!

For now her father's chimney glows
In expectation of a guest;
And thinking `this will please him best,'
She takes a riband or a rose;
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