查看完整版本: [754C]SharkXP SP3 8.2 (蔚藍海岸)(ISO@4.87G)
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yang.grant 發表於 2008-8-4 08:14 PM

[754C]SharkXP SP3 8.2 (蔚藍海岸)(ISO@4.87G)

[轉貼] SharkXP SP3 8.2 (蔚藍海岸) 您是第 368個瀏覽者

【軟體名稱】:SharkXP SP3 8.2 (蔚藍海岸)
                     D1: 1147MB
                     D2: 1157MB
                     D3: 1188MB
                     D4: 1485MB
- 本版屬隨興分享,不是 "乾淨版"


    SharkXP 8.2:
    1. 更新Sysinternals Suite July 24 版

    2. "系統內容"新風貌:

    3. 更換桌布 (以與SharkXP 8 作區別)

    SharkXP 8.1:
    1. 確實更新Calculator Plus 繁體中文

    2. 刪除海綿寶寶的佈景主題設定 (桌布不刪)

    3. 加入非官方更新 "KB955109" (此更新檔更新了explorer.exe 至6.0.2900.5634。在SharkXP v8 裡面的explorer.exe 是6.0.2900.5512)

        Error message when you run an application that uses the Application Desktop Toolbar (AppBar) component on a computer that is running Windows XP SP2 or Windows XP SP3: “0xC0000005 (Access Violation)”

    4. 更新Sysinternals Suite July 22 版

- 已經安裝SharkXP v8 的人可以直接下載KB955109 自行更新

- 全員到齊後始計算賞味保證期限 (+6天,至當晚的23:59),各位請不用擔心權益受損,謝謝惠顧 ^^

- 期間若有改版,也會在此一併更新

    symantec 的防毒軟體會抓這兩隻小工具。
    進一步點超連結下去會連到symantec 官網,裡面也有詳細的說明
    它們是Nirsoft 下的小工具:ProduKey 和 AsterWin

    前者用來檢視Office 以及Windows 的S/N;後者則是讓你找回IE 內密碼的小工具

- 短短幾個月,給SP3 用的更新已經愈積愈多準備朝100 個邁進了(目前58 個),再不整理一下不行了 = ="

- 日後所出的XP 通通都正名為FreshXP,在FreshXP 之名下再做分版,惟推出的時程相較以往會拉長一點,最短1 個月,最長3~4 個月

- 目前手邊原有的高速空間所剩無幾,並且不足以應付四種版本所需的容量,故以ZS 作為主要分享空間,並且為維護及補檔方便 (請原諒我是個懶人...),設有積分限制
積分不足者可待擁有高速空間的分流者分享後再行下載,四天 (7/27 開始) 應該不算太久吧  

- 習慣使用原版XP 的人請勿安裝此版

- 本版不更新Internet Explorer 7,因為一旦整合便沒有回復IE6 的餘地,並且IE6 一直都有持續性的更新檔可用,因此IE7 屬非必要更新
所以要更新IE7 的人請自行至M$ 下載,或是使用Google 的IE7

M$ Internet Explorer 官方首頁:

Google IE7:

-- 若您要分流,除請註明出處外,切記要將全文+圖 (圖請自己另行上傳) 帶上,盡量不要縮減內容
嫌麻煩的話就直接插入此頁 (本站分流者) 或者... 不要分流就好啦

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 分流Copy 起始線 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

FreshXP -- Shark 概觀:(Overview)
- SharkXP 8 採用nLite 1.4.8 + DriverPacks Base 8.05 製作。DriverPacks 驅動全為最新的版本

- 個人向來只用自己下載整理的更新,因此所有更新檔全數都已經過校驗比對,絕不取巧拿別人整理好的更新來充數

- 要知道Windows Update 上的更新檔只佔M$ 下載中心的一部份
因此FreshXP 為您將所有官方/非官方的更新甚至包括所整合的軟體/工具通通一定是至發表當日的最新版,若你是對更新有迫切渴望的人的話,那麼就來吧

- FreshXP 全系列皆有整合DriverPacks 驅動
DriverPacks 官方網站: http://www.driverpacks.net/

    - 因為DriverPacks 驅動中的顯示卡驅動因為已經有一段時日沒更新了,若你於近期購置顯示卡的人,又選用D4 版安裝的人請注意其內含的顯示卡驅動對你顯示卡的支援度或相容性
    舉例來說,DriverPacks 內含的Catalyst 驅動版本僅為8.3 (包括CCC);Forceware 也是舊版


    - 另外本期所納入的SATA/RAID 驅動為尚未發布的8.6F 版,此版有納入ICH10(R) 的驅動

DriverPacks 之D1~D4 各版涵蓋驅動版本及種類示意圖:

FreshXP 依據所涵蓋的更新及功能性將區分為兩版:
1. FreshXP Vanilla:又名VanillaXP (前身:FreshXP)
與FreshXP 同
1. 整合軟體以M$ 為主
2. 其他少量的必裝軟體為輔
3. 適度的調校動作

2. FreshXP Shark :又名SharkXP (前身:很多... 不及備載。如AquaXP, AyuXP, DogXP, MaiXP 一系列以安裝背景的主題為名的XP)
若您是個懶人,也不介意個人為您調校系統、整理常用軟體及工具的話,那麼就來投向SharkXP 的懷抱吧  
SharkXP 具備VanillaXP 的所有特性,另外雞婆的加上常用軟體,以及更多的進階調校/瘦身/美化

一、簡介 (Introduction)
FreshXP Shark版 (SharkXP) 版承襲FreshXP 的特點 :

1. 保證最新鮮:
除整合1. Windows Update (WU) 上的更新檔 (Hotfix) 以外,再加上WU 上所未列出的更新檔 (2. 下載中心內),更加上了3. 尚未正式發布的更新檔

2. 工具/軟體最新版:
FreshXP 除控制台內的工具組以外,另外加上一般常用/必備軟體,一定都是至發表當日的最新或是穩定 (Stable) 版 (非Beta)

二、整合更新 (Post-SP3 Hotfixes)

Hofix 來源有三種,如下:引用: A. Windows Update (WU)

B. 下載中心 (Download Center, DC)
下載中心內的更新當然也涵蓋了Windows Update 上的更新,這裡列的是WU 上沒有的更新

C. 非官方更新 (Unofficial Hotfixes, UH)
只提供給有某特定問題的特定用戶,只供用戶私下向Microsoft Support 索取
若UH 當中有比下載中心內的更新還新的話,則以UH 的版本為主要使用來源

SharkXP 8 本次整合更新列表如下:

A. Windows Update (WU)
1. KB890830 -- The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Toolhelps remove specific, prevalent malicious software from computers thatare running Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows2000
2. KB951748 -- MS08-037: Description of the security update for DNS inWindows Server 2003, in Windows XP, and in Windows 2000 Server (clientside): July 8, 2008
3. KB951978 -- Script output is not displayed as expected when you runVBScript or JScript scripts in Windows Vista Service Pack 1, in WindowsServer 2008, or in Windows XP Service Pack 3
4. KB951698 -- MS08-033: Vulnerabilities in DirectX could allow remote code execution
5. KB951376 -- MS08-030: Vulnerability in Bluetooth stack could allow remote code execution
6. KB950759 -- MS08-031: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer
7. KB950760 -- MS08-032: Critical security update of ActiveX kill bits
8. KB950762 -- MS08-036: Vulnerabilities in Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) could allow denial of service
9. KB942763 -- December 2007 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems

10. KB923789 --  (此為Flash Player 更新,但只要您上到具有Flash Player技術的網站即可獲得。若已安裝最新版本的Flash Player ,此更新便不會出現) -- MS06-069: Vulnerabilitiesin Macromedia Flash Player from Adobe could allow remote code execution
11. Internet Explorer 7

1. 根憑證更新 (KB931125) -- Microsoft root certificate program members (January 2008)
2. Windows Media Player 11 及相關更新共14 項 (Windows Update 只會顯示部分)
節錄自WMP 11 Slipstreamer 官方網站:SharkXP 已整合!
引用: 1.KB928788 -- FIX: Windows Media Player 11 may not work correctly whenyou use the Media Sharing feature to stream Windows Media format videocontent across a home network
2. KB929399 -- FIX: Subscription services cannot extract metering datawhen the services try to synchronize metering data on a client computerthat is running the Windows Media Format 11 SDK
3. KB929773 -- FIX: You hear an unexpected noise or a problem in theaudio playback when you play back a Windows Media Audio (WMA) file oncertain hardware devices
4. KB932390 -- FIX: The encoder cannot use the Windows Media Audio 9Voice codec after you install Windows Media Player 11 on a computerthat uses Windows Media Encoder 9 Series
5. KB933547 -- FIX: Windows Media Player 11 may crash if you plug incertain flash memory devices while you use Windows Media Player inWindows XP
6. KB935551 -- FIX: Device connection is disconnected when yousynchronize lots of files between Windows Media Player 11 and a WindowsMobile device
7. KB935552 -- FIX: Windows Media Player 11 may stop responding whenyou transfer media to a device that uses the Media Transfer Protocoland then you cancel the transfer process
8. KB939209 -- FIX: When you use an application to play DRM-protected video content in Windows XP, the application may fail
9. KB939683 -- FIX: Update for Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP
10. KB941569 -- MS07-068: Vulnerability in Windows Media file format could allow remote code execution
11. KB944882 -- FIX: The memory for an applicationincreases for each file that you transfer when you transfer media froma computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows XP to a portabledevice
12. KB945381 -- FIX: SAMI scripts fire at seemingly random times whenyou perform a seek operation in a video file that has an associatedSAMI file
13. KB946665 -- FIX: Windows Media Player 11 cannot play some WindowsMedia content that was created by a Windows Media Format SDK-basedapplication
14. KB950478 -- FIX: An audio or video file does not play in WindowsMedia Player when you connect through a proxy server that uses anautoproxy script
3. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0:x86 (KB829019)
4. Microsoft .NET Framework 版本1.1,中文 (繁體)

原版XP SP3 於初次安裝後,上Windows Update 的結果如下圖,僅9 個 (KB923789 及 Internet Explorer 7 不計入)
B-1. 下載中心 (Download Center, DC)
P.S. 下載中心內的更新已包含上述A 的更新,因此在此只列出A. Windows Update 上所不會顯示的更新
1. KB895961 -- The Windows Media Center Extender service cannot createthe sub-desktop session on a Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005-basedcomputer
2. KB944043 -- Description of the Windows Server 2008 read-only domaincontroller compatibility pack for Windows Server 2003 clients and forWindows XP clients
3. KB951072 -- August 2008 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems
4. KB951618 -- A black screen issue occurs on a Windows Vista-basedcomputer or a Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer that has OnekeyRecovery 5.0 installed when you upgrade the operating system
5. KB951830 -- When you disable and then re-enable the LAN-side networkadapter on a Windows XP SP3-based computer that is configured as aConnection Sharing host, a client computer on the network cannot accessthe Internet
6. KB952287 -- An application that uses the ADO interface maymalfunction, or data loss may occur when the application connects toSQL Server in Windows Vista, in Windows XP, or in Windows Server 2008

B-2. 雖是給XP SP2 的更新,但SP3 仍未納入的更新:
7. KB941833 (MS XML4) -- An update is available that improves thecompatibility and the reliability of Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0Service Pack 2 on a Windows Vista-based computer
8. KB898461 -- Software update 898461 installs a permanent copy of the Package Installer for Windows version
9. European Union Expansion Font Update 1.2
10. KB942288 (Windows Installer 4.5) -- Windows Installer 4.5 is available

C. 非官方更新 (Unofficial Hotfixes, UH)
SharkXP 此次非官方更新共計39 項:
1. KB932521 -- A Windows XP-based client computer uses an archivedcertificate for network authentication after a new certificate isauto-enrolled in a wireless Active Directory domain
2. KB932716 -- Description of the Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update package that is dated June 26, 2007
3. KB940648 -- Error message when you try to open the My Documentsfolder on a Windows XP-based computer after you resume the computerfrom hibernation: "You might not have permission to use this networkresource"
4. KB943326 -- Overlapping layered windows are not displayed in the correct order in Windows Server 2003 or in Windows XP
5. KB944505 -- DFS clients may access the DFS root server in the remotesite even though the DFS root server in the local site is available ina Windows Server 2003-based domain
6. KB945060 -- There may be inconsistencies in the Extensible MetadataPlatform (XMP) and Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) values for an imagefile in Windows Vista and in Windows XP
7. KB945436 -- Error message when you try to uninstall or unload thedriver for a multifunction USB device on a Windows XP-based computer:"STOP: 0x000000D1 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"
8. KB946554 -- The Win32_Processor class returns the incorrect Nameproperty for the processor in a Windows XP-based computer that has anIntel Celeron processor installed
9. KB946666 -- When you use a third-party tool to open a picture thatwas previously edited in Windows Photo Gallery, some metadata fieldsare duplicated, dropped, or corrupted
10. KB947460 v2 -- Error message when you try to open a mapped DFSfolder after the computer comes out of standby in Windows XP ServicePack 2: "<Drive Letter>:\ is not accessible"
11. KB948101 v3 -- A USB keyboard does not work after you restart aWindows XP-based computer that has an NVIDIA 680i motherboard installed
12. KB948277 -- A blank desktop may appear when you log on to a Windows XP-based computer
13. KB948720 -- You cannot install device drivers in a Windows Server2008 cluster environment if the drivers contain LZ-compressed files
14. KB949033 -- You may experience severe video degradation and a Stoperror when you connect a USB Webcam to a Windows XP-based computer
15. KB949127 v2 -- You cannot establish a wireless connection by usingEAP authentication on a Windows XP-based client computer if the ServiceSet Identifier (SSID) includes a comma
16. KB949764 -- A USB device no longer works after you resume a Windows XP-based computer from hibernation (S4)
17. KB949860 -- On a Windows XP-based computer, when you start anapplication by running as another user account, the content in anapplication's dialog box or menu does not update automatically
18. KB949900 -- The RunOnce.exe process may stop responding during thedriver installation process on a Windows XP-based computer
19. KB950162 -- A computer that is running Windows XP or Windows Vistabecomes unresponsive after the driver load and unload operation isrepeated many times
20. KB950312 -- Error message when you try to start a console-basedapplication, such as Cmd.exe, on a Windows XP-based computer: "Theapplication failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142)"
21. KB950565 -- FIX: Error message when you insert data to a table thatcontains two image columns by using the SQL Server ODBC driver:"Invalid locatorde-referenced"
22. KB950616 -- An audio application that uses the Portcls.sys file maystop responding when you run the audio application on a computer thatis running Windows XP
23. KB950982 -- A list of ODBC system DSNs is truncated when the totalnumber of characters that are used in all the DSN names is more than7,500 on a Windows XP-based computer
24. KB951126 -- A multiprocessor computer that is running a MicrosoftWindows operating system stops responding on a black screen after youresume the computer from hibernation
25. KB951312 -- When you run an application that uses a timer queue ona Windows XP-based computer, the application may stop responding
26. KB951624 -- A 30-second delay occurs during the initialization ofsome network-based applications when Windows XP Service Pack 2 starts
27. KB951709 -- Event ID 26 when you attach two IDE ATA/ATAPI devicesas master and subordinate IDE devices on a Windows XP-based computer
28.KB951822 v2 -- You receive an error message, the print operationfails, or partial pages are printed when you try to print to a Citizenprinter or to an Alps printer in Windows XP Service Pack 3
29. KB951937 v2 -- On a computer that is running Windows Vista, WindowsServer 2008, or Windows XP, an incorrect value is returned when anapplication queries the identity column value of a newly inserted rowin various versions of SQL Server 2005 and of SQL Server 2000
30. KB952020 v2 -- Error message when you try to open a clear-textsigned message in Outlook 2007 on a Windows XP-based computer: "Thenecessary security algorithm is not supported"
31. KB952079 v2 -- You cannot use the Backup Utility to restore certainEFS-encrypted files on a Windows XP-based computer and data corruptionoccurs
32. KB952117 v2 -- When you try to put a Windows XP-based computer intohibernation or into standby, the computer stops responding
33. KB952206 -- A printer-driver upgrade operation fails on printerclients that are running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP whenmultiple printer queues are upgraded at the same time
34. KB952825 -- IEEE 1394-compliant storage devices that are connectedto an OHCI host controller are not displayed on a Windows XP-basedcomputer
35. KB953028 -- On a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 orWindows XP, an application experiences an access violation and thencrashes if the computer has more than four cores or more than fourlogical processors
36. KB953609 -- Error message when you try to add a wireless network toa Windows XP-based computer that has hotfix 917021 applied: "At leastone of your changes was not applied successfully to the wirelessconfiguration"
37. KB953760 -- When you enable SSO for a terminal server from aWindows XP SP3-based client computer, you are still prompted for usercredentials when you log on to the terminal server
38. KB953979 -- Device Manager may not show any devices and NetworkConnections may not show any network connections after you installWindows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3)
39. KB954232 -- The On-Screen Keyboard behavior on a Windows XP-basedcomputer does not mimic the physical keyboard behavior in certainscenarios

[ 本帖最後由 yang.grant 於 2008-8-4 10:26 PM 編輯 ]...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div><div></div>

yang.grant 發表於 2008-8-4 08:18 PM

三、精簡瘦身 (Reduction)

手動刪去DOTNETFX 資料夾
手動刪去DOCS 資料夾
手動刪去DRW 資料夾
手動刪去COMPDATA 資料夾
手動刪去WIN9XMIG 資料夾
手動刪去WIN9XUPG 資料夾

nLite 移除:
移除ATM 驅動
移除IBM PS/2 Track Point 驅動
移除ISDN 驅動
移除Logitech WingMan 驅動
移除Microsoft SideWinder 驅動
移除Modems 驅動
移除Multifunctional 驅動
移除Portable Audio 驅動
移除Serial Pen Tablet 驅動
移除Sony jog Dial 驅動
移除Tape drives 驅動
移除Toshiba DVD decoder card 驅動
移除WLAN 驅動


移除Intel Indeo codecs
移除Media Center 相關設定
移除Music Samples (Windows Media Player 內)
移除Tablet PC 相關設定

移除MSN Explorer
移除Windows Messenger

移除Blaster/Nachi removal tool (此即為現行微軟惡意軟體移除工具之前身)
移除舊版XML 2.0
移除內建搜尋小幫手 (Search Assistant)
移除內建Zip 支援

四、Windows 調校 (Tweaks)
以下中文的解釋皆出自本人,若對翻譯有所疑義,請直接參考nLite 英文介面的說明或自行以Google 搜尋

修正Windows XP 預設限制,共四項:
- 調整TCP/IP 連線至20000 (XP 預設10)
- 調整USB Port 更新率至 500Hz (XP 預設125Hz)
- 修正uxtheme.dll 以能使用第三方佈景主題
- 停用SFC (Windows 系統檔案保護功能,Windows File Protecction)

- Internet Explorer 預設首頁為 http://tw.yahoo.com/
- Internet Explorer 預設搜尋引擎為 Google Taiwan

- 僅啟用Boot prefetching (XP 預設為啟用Application launch and Boot) -- 加速開機速度
- 預設桌面顯示Internet Explorer 圖示、我的電腦 圖示、我的文件 圖示、我的網路芳鄰 圖示
- 啟用進階搜尋功能 (請開啟任一資料夾執行快速鍵 Ctrl + F 即可得知效果)
- 預設將副檔名LSG, CFG, NFO 以"記事本"開啟
- 預設將資料夾檢視方式為"詳細資料"
- 預設將控制台調整為 "傳統檢視" 介面
- 停用建立捷徑時,會在所建立的捷徑上加上"捷徑-"兩字
- 預設將存檔檢視資料夾左方資料夾列為"C, D, E, 桌面, 我的網路芳鄰"
- 預設顯示已知檔案的副檔名
- 預設將下載完成的視窗能"自動關閉"
- 停用Market Place 捷徑 (我的最愛內)
- 保存Internet Explorer 網址紀錄達"50天"
- 預設將Internet Explorer 的快取大小限制在"20MB"
- 將IE 同時進行檔案下載的連線數修正至10 連線 (XP 預設只能同時下載2 個檔案)
- 於桌面上開啟 "我的電腦" 資料夾後,在 "其他" 內依序有11 個捷徑
- 停用DNS failure cache (此將導致系統對於可用的DNS 資源能有更佳的反應速度)

效能調校 (最佳化):
名為最佳化,但這些設定已經過個人長時間的使用 (超過兩年以上),並無任何副作用
若對這些所謂最佳化的調校有所疑慮,請善用Google 搜尋
- 停用對檔案的存取時間設定 (Disable Last accessed Timestamp on files)
- 停用系統於閒置 (idle) 狀態時所作的磁碟重整動作 (Disable Optimize harddisk when idle)
- 停用追蹤損壞捷徑的檢查動作,意即當您所建立的捷徑失效之時,系統並不會立即做追蹤的動作,此項調校將可以降低系統資源 (Disable Tracking of Broken Shortcut Links)
- 停用磁碟將滿的提示。避免系統一直在右下角出現惱人的提示 (Disable Warn on low disk space)
- 停用WBEM 紀錄 (Disalbe WBEM logging)
- 停用Windows 對縮圖的快取 (Do not cache thumbnails)
- 啟用最小電源管理 (Minimal Power Management)。設定此選項也可使AMD 處理器能使用CnQ 功能
- 加速對AVI 檔案的存取 (Speed-up Access to AVI Media Files)

- 當系統找不到驅動程式時,便會有一個提示告知是否要存取Internet (Disable Driver Update Internet prompt)。此功能停用
- 停用錯誤回報 (Error Reporting) 功能
- 移除Alexa (此設定將可以避免Alexa 存取你的電腦)

- 停用提醒您安裝防毒軟體提示 (Disable Antivirus notification)
- 停用防火牆關閉提示 (Disable Firewall notification)
- 停用Web Open With prompt
- 重新啟用以 "使用者:密碼@URL" 的方式登入網站的功能 (Re-Enable user:pass URLs)

- 加入系統管理工具捷徑至選單內
- 移除開始工作表內 "搜尋" >...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

yang.grant 發表於 2008-8-10 08:03 PM

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