查看完整版本: [3509]Acronis Disk Director Suite 10 build 2160 最新版+ keygen
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enyajacky 發表於 2007-11-28 08:47 AM

[3509]Acronis Disk Director Suite 10 build 2160 最新版+ keygen

【軟體名稱】:Acronis Disk Director Suite 10 build 2160
【檔案大小】:68.07 MBBT
唯一一款在 vista 底下的磁碟分割軟體! 目前的 partition magic 還無法在 vista 底下分割!
Acronis Disk Director Suite 帶來了最流行的磁片管理功能包括:
-Partition manager:可以在不丟失磁片資料的條件下對分區進行修改大小,複製和移動
-Boot manager: 可創建多引導環境
-Partition recovery: 恢復丟失或刪除的分區

Acronis Disk Director Suite 是你的磁片管理工具箱。可以重新整理你的電腦以獲得更好的表現和保證資料安全。可以改變大小,複製和移動分區而不丟失資料。可以安裝多個和多重啟動作業系統。備有自動和手動模式供初學者和高級用戶選擇。Acronis Disk Director Suite 將所有流行的磁片管理功能集成到了一個單獨的套裝軟體中。
[新功能] :
New! Split partitions — Split one partition into two and leave your data intactBT
New! Merge partitions — Merge two partitions into one and leave your data untouched, even if the file systems on the partitions are different3
New! Explore partitions — Windows-like explorer interface to view partition data before performing partitioning operations
from an additional hard disk drive — Select the hard disk drive you want to boot from
New! Boot from CD/DVD — Insert a bootable CD/DVD and it will automatically be detected and displayed as a boot option by Acronis OS Selector
New! Automatic operating system detection — Find inadvertently deleted operating systems with the Acronis OS Selector detection tool

[ 本帖最後由 enyajacky 於 2007-11-28 08:48 AM 編輯 ]...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div><div></div>
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