查看完整版本: 【英語多益通】「請稍等」別再說please wait a minute!
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夕陽下的蒲公英 發表於 2019-7-14 07:46 PM

【英語多益通】「請稍等」別再說please wait a minute!

【英語多益通】「請稍等」別再說please wait a minute!

文/Buffy Kao


因此,若沒有準備好相關電話英語,情急之下只能不斷說Uh Huh、OK,可能讓對方認為你不夠專業,或對該話題不感興趣!為了防止這種情況,本文將介紹一些電話英語,讓你增强英語口說力,勇敢面對外國客戶!


A: Good morning. AIC computing.
B: Good morning. May I speak to John Smith, please?
A: Certainly. One moment, please.
C: John Smith speaking.
B: Hi John, it’s Sam Peterson.


Speaker A應該是公司的總機櫃檯人員,負責接電話再幫忙轉接。注意一開始總機很明確地表明公司的稱呼,讓對方一聽就知道對話對象無誤,省去來電者再度確認是否為某某公司的麻煩。

我們可以看接電話的時間點使用不同開場白。對話中Speaker A說「Good morning」,若是下午的話就改成Good afternoon,這和我們面對面打招呼的溝通開場白是一樣的,可以直接套用。

在電話用語中我們使用this is/it’s ________ speaking/________ speaking來告知全名,和面對面溝通的I’m ________不同,需特別注意。對話中Speaker B和C都使用了這個表達語,而speaking則可視情況省略。

在商業場合為了表達禮貌委婉,我們多用敬語,may這個助動詞便是最有禮貌的用法。Speaker B委婉請對方轉接John Smith來通話,免得讓對方感覺無禮而不想幫忙。這個用法也適用在飛機上、餐廳等場合,表達有禮貌地請求。

Speaker A說one moment(請等一下)是很重要的電話英文用語。不少人習慣用中文直接翻譯的please wait a minute表達,但聽起來較不順。其實「等」這個詞不需翻譯,聽起來更自然!

除了ok和no problem之外,想要表達「沒問題」的另一個用法是certainly,其他像是sure、all right和very well等都是常用的英文用法。


A: Good afternoon, AIC computing. Can I help you?
B: Yes, good afternoon, may I speak to John Smith, please?
A: Who’s calling?
B: It’s Sam Peterson.
A: Just a moment.


總機需要先知道對方的資訊,方便讓接電話的人先預期談話對象,因此問了一句Who’s calling,如同中文「請問哪裡找」的意思。



Sorry. I must go now. I’ve got another meeting in 5 minutes.

Sorry I’ll have to stop you there. I’m expecting another call.

Ok, I wonder if I could call you again in a month’s time… just to see if you are still interested.

Man: Hello, Tom Wilson’s, can I help you?
Woman: Hi there, it’s Emma Lloyd here. I’m calling about my motorbike. Is it ready to be collected yet?
Man: Can you remind me, what’s the make of the bike?
Woman: It’s a City Zip. It’s blue.
Man: Oh yes. We had to order in some parts, but they still haven’t arrived yet I’m afraid.
Woman: Do you know when the bike will be ready to pick up?
Man: Sorry, I don’t know. But I’ll call our suppliers and find out if they’ve sent out the spare parts yet. Once the parts are here we can fix the bike in two or three days.
Woman: Okay, I’ll give you a call at the end of the week, then.
Man: Sure.

1. Where is the woman calling?
(A) an office
(B) a garage
(C) a doctor’s surgery
(D) a factory

2. What information does that man ask for?
(A) the woman’s name
(B) the registration number of the bike
(C) the make of the bike
(D) the woman’s phone number

3. What is the man going to do?
(A) telephone the suppliers
(B) call the woman back
(C) order a new part
(D) pick up the motorbike

1. 題目問「女士打電話到哪裡?」從對方回答Tom Wilson’s我們可以推測是一間店,因為國外店名習慣用店主的名字命名,後面加上所有格代表某某人的店。而後女士說I’m calling about my motorbike. Is it ready to be collected yet? (我打來是想詢問我的摩托車,可以去拿車了嗎?)則可知是間修車店,因此答案選(B),garage除了是「車庫」,還有修車場的意思。

2. 題目問「男士詢問了什麼資訊?」從他問「Can you remind me, what’s the make of the bike?」可知他要對方提醒他是哪台車。remind是「提醒」,英文make除了當動詞之外,用作名詞指的是車子的型號,因此答案選(C)。

3. 題目問「男士接下來要做什麼?」從「But I’ll call our suppliers and find out if they’ve sent out the spare parts yet. Once the parts are here we can fix the bike in two or three days.」(但是我要打給我的供應商,問看看他們是否已經寄出零件,一旦零件寄到,只要兩三天車子就可以修好了。)因此答案選(A)。不能選(B)因為對話中女士主動提出要回電確認,而非男士。

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totoyangson 發表於 2019-7-15 09:04 AM

Thanks your share~~~~

afa69 發表於 2019-7-21 11:17 AM

Wow!! Thanks a lot for your lecture! It is thumb up!!

pattern73 發表於 2019-7-23 08:57 PM

very good information, thank you for sharing{:32:}

rockygirl911 發表於 2019-7-24 02:09 PM


suede64suede64 發表於 2019-8-1 02:26 PM

thanks,I've got a lesson from you,I understood what your explanation of this conversation totally,perfect!!!!!

csk168168 發表於 2019-8-2 05:37 PM

感謝樓主分享, 受益連多, 提醒了常用的電話用語
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